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If I Laid Them End to End

 If I Laid Them End to End
By:  Kimberly Blaeser
 Apprenticed to Justice

Image result for Native Americans MemoriesThis poem was written by Kimberly Blaeser. I consider that this poem is a collection of memories not only of the author but the memories are from different people, Indians. She tells the reader about different situations she and her people went through. Two of the most remarkable problems are hunger and alcoholism. In one of the stanzas, she mentions that the night her mother baked biscuits they went to bed with some food on their stomach; however, if we think about it a biscuit is a really small snack, how can someone feel full with a biscuit? In that line, she says "[...] took the wrinkle out of out bellies that night" If I analyze that, I can understand that some nights before they were starving when they went to bed. 
Also, she mentioned a common problem we can observe in Indians, alcoholism. I consider this problem is mentioned a lot by different authors, and I can perceive that they see alcohol as destruction, every time they drink is in excess; notwithstanding, I believe is something difficult to control for them since they are accustomed drinking in large quantities.
Finally, Kimberly Blaeser finished the poem saying "those old-time Indians who could really tell stories." This line is the reason why I feel she is talking about memories, memories of elderly Indians who told her those stories for her to share them. 
I really liked this poem, I feel that all those situations they faced make them stronger, and they moved forward despite any adversity.


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